Corporate Intelligence
Retreat Research specializes in gathering and analyzing intelligence that enables our clients to better understand their business environment, enhance their ability to identify business risks and opportunities, and leverage their competitive edge. Our corporate intelligence service is based on cutting-edge methodology that includes high-end information gathering and research capabilities, bolstered by solid technical and legal acuity.
Corporate intelligence is delivered in the form of a graphic plot of the key players in the target market, accompanied by detailed information on each competitor’s procedures, practices, R&D plans, products and services, and unrevealed usable leverage points of conflicts, corruption, fraud or bribery.
Cyber Security & Intrusion
Today's cyber environment is one of a cold war becoming hot. There are two kinds of companies when it comes to cyber-intrusion: those that know they have been compromised and those that aren't aware of yet.
Retreat Research offers expert cyber forensics, threat and security analysis, and white-hat / tiger-team assessment of your data infrastructure. We are up to date on all known exploits and can deliver iron-clad defensive technology architectures. We can also evaluate where your competitors may be suffering data leakage or have weak-points related to internal actors.
Investment Intelligence
Retreat Research provides unparalleled evaluation of investments. From forensic accounting to deep due diligence, we provide expert advice on the value and risks a potential investment may hold. Our methods can work from afar or from deep within a target potential. Don't be blind: let Retreat Research help guide your portfolio.
Litigation Intelligence
One of our primary services is litigation and conflict support. We apply the full scope of our intelligence, information collection, analysis and operational skills to assist our clients in promoting their business and legal interests. We help our clients adopt a pro-active approach to litigation and conflict resolution by providing intelligence that can be later used as evidence in court, while conducting closed room negotiations, or as a pressure point with any other third party or authority. Information of this type critically affects the strategy and advice that our clients receive from their lawyers and other advisers.
We Provide: Analysis of Interests and Conflicts, Tracing of assets and supporting enforcement, collection and analysis of evidence, and identifying pressure points / developing leverage.